Freelance or Side Job?


Saat melihat profile linkedin seorang teman, sesuatu mengusik pikiran saya. Dia masih berstatus sebagai karyawan di sebuah perusahaan, namun dia juga mencantumkan dirinya seorang freelancer (walaupun pekerjaan freelancenya tidak berkaitan sama sekali dengan pekerjaan utamanya).

Lalu yang jadi pertanyaan, bukankah itu masuk dalam kategori side job?

Kalau menurut kamus: freelance is working for different companies at different times rather than being permanently employed by one company.

Dan kalau menurut saya bisa dibilang: side job is another job beside the main job, to make more money, or to enhance the monthly income.

Is it appropriate to put it on your professional page like linkedin? Even though your side jobs don’t relate at all with your main job? (Well, I always think it’s not appropriate to list any other job if you have a main job)

*Just some random thoughts in the middle of the night. Feel free to comment.

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